
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Owning Up to Our Actions

I recently had a very interesting experience... It all started when I was in the shower.. I had woken up just like any other morning but while in the midst of my morning routine I remembered that I had parked my car in a nearby lot that is only open to the public on weekends. Long story short, I ended up paying $75.00 to get a boot taken off my car.

As I waited for the company to come remove the boot I kept trying to think of ways it wasn't my fault, looking for a reason why I shouldn't have to pay the fine. But ultimately I came to the conclusion that there was me, and only me, to blame so I paid the fee and went on my way 75 dollars poorer. 

We make choices every day. Sometimes our actions are in line with the commandments of God and other times they aren't. It's my experience that we are quick to take credit for the good that we do but even quicker to make excuses when things go south. Perhaps all we need is to be a little more honest with ourselves and own up to our actions. And remember to move your car when you need to.